Lifestyle Fully Changed due to Corona Covid 19

Lifestyle Fully Changed due to Corona Covid 19
Lifestyle Fully Changed due to Corona Covid 19

Lifestyle Changed due to Corona Covid 19:

  • This has converted people who are like machines into a normal phase.
  • It collaborates with the family members in one place and shows the family values.
  • It changed alcoholic consumption which has not been stopped by so many governments usually as it has been reduced water, air, sound pollutions.
  • Rape cases have been reduced.
  • It changed every day as Sunday rather than one Sunday per week.
  • Gave a break from wall posters sound boxes and flexes.
  • crime rates also have controlled a lot compared to past years.
  • By this everyone is making food by themselves at home and can be healthy by this.
  • We are following every cleaning technique
  • By this everyone is trusting their gods and supernatural power.
Lifestyle Fully Changed due to Corona Covid 19
Lifestyle Fully Changed due to Corona Covid 19

What Lifestyle Corona Covid 19 has Done:

  • In India most polluted areas like Delhi also now free from this pollution.
  • This has shown the value of humans and health instead of only money.
  • It has been taught online payments and its uses.
  • Corona Covid 19 told the value of land and other animals and about nature and its uses.
  • It has been given a break to the people who are very busy with their schedules.
  • It shows how medical and police forces are important to us.
  • We learned disciplines’ and known the people who will take a chance to help others in these crucial times like rotarian and loins


Follow every instruction given by the government and our society & stay safe

⇒Wash your hands regularly.

⇒Be sanitizing yourself from time to time.

⇒Take good and healthy food.

⇒Use masks and gloves when you are going out.

⇒Drink warm and Hot water regularly.

⇒keep Social distance from everyone.

Lifestyle Fully Changed due to Corona Covid 19
Lifestyle Fully Changed due to Corona Covid 19

Our lifestyle is never changed like before, we must follow all new precautions forever until live. Stay safe and think positive, good luck!